‘Rid Candida’ Diet

If you struggle or someone you know struggles with Candida Overgrowth, then now is the time to start taking action. Thankfully, overcoming this fungal overgrowth can be mostly self-controlled. Diet plays a huge factor in the growth and die-off of Candida. If you are ready to fight off this Candida as much as you can, begin with a cleanse. A Candida cleanse typically only lasts a few days, in which a very strict, low, to no sugar diet should be followed. Sugar is one of the major causes of Candida Overgrowth because Candida yeast cells need sugar to build their cell walls, expand their colonies and switch into their more virulent, fungal form. During this phase of the Candida diet, be sure to drink lots of water, as well as some detox drinks (optional). This is important because it aids in flushing out the colon and quickly eliminating as many of those Candida colonies as possible. Next, the Anti-Candida diet; this is really important and nearly just as strict as the cleansing phase. However, if you do not do the cleanse, this is where you will start. This portion is strict, but more balanced. Fruit, added sugar, most starchy vegetables, caffeine, and anything with a high Glycemic load is still eliminated. This is where the Candida is starved of food while providing you with all the nutrition you need. Incorporation of Candida-fighting foods, such as antifungals and probiotics, is beneficial in this phase to aid in clearing out the toxins even more. Finally, after beating Candida, you may (if you decide) begin re-introducing foods back into your diet. Because your previous, normal diet may have caused the Candida in the first place, start out slow. Low-sugar foods, like green apples, are a good start to having a little more flexible diet. Hopefully, however, you will feel empowered to stick to a cleaner, whole-food diet, rid of processed and sugary foods. This will ensure better chances of Candida remaining out of your system!  All species of candida yeast can survive quite nicely in a pH range of 2.5 to 8.0. The body maintains blood pH at 7.365, and the stomach will be about 1 to 3 so Candida yeast cannot survive in the stomach unless you suffer from a lack of stomach acid. Don’t be fooled by some websites, or articles that recommend Biotin supplementation as a way of controlling Candida, most of the Candida species require biotin for growth!

candidadiet   Look at this. Who said eating healthy, whole foods had to be boring or unsatisfying?